Bloody Kiss


Bloody Kiss is a Japanese shōjo manga written and illustrated by Kazuko Furumiya. The story follows Kiyo Katsuragi, a young girl who inherits her grandmother's mansion and discovers that she is living with two vampires, Kuroboshi and his servant, Alshu. Kiyo is pursued by Kuroboshi to become his vampire bride, but she is torn between her growing affection for him and the concerns of her childhood friend. As the series progresses, Kiyo learns that she may turn into a vampire herself if she kisses Kuroboshi. The manga received mixed reviews, with some critics praising the chemistry between the main characters and the light-hearted approach, while others criticized it for relying on cliché plot devices and excessive neck-biting. Despite the criticisms, Bloody Kiss offers a fun and enjoyable read for fans of the shōjo genre.