Anne Freaks


Anne Freaks is a horror manga written by Yua Kotegawa. The story follows the efforts of three teenagers, Anna, Yuri, and Mitsuba, to overthrow a religious cult known as the Kakusei Group. Anna, who was raised to kill by her father, the cult leader, forms a close bond with Moe, a cult dissenter. Yuri, who has lived under the control of his abusive mother, falls in love with Anna after she helps him dispose of his mother's body. Mitsuba seeks revenge for his adopted family's murder by the Kakusei Group. As they battle the cult and try to evade Inspector Nishikama, a detective assigned to the case, the teens question the difference between right and wrong. They also encounter Kunita, a former cult member turned preacher, and Sergeant Shono, who wants to protect and care for them. In exchange for their help in bringing down the Kakusei Group, the teens must turn themselves in and stop killing individuals outside the cult. As the situation worsens, they must set aside their differences.