

+Anima is a manga series by Natsumi Mukai. It follows the story of four +Anima characters who possess metamorphic abilities and are rejected by society. The characters, Cooro, Husky, Senri, and Nana, search for others like them and a place to belong while encountering both allies and enemies. The series consists of episodic adventures where the group gets involved in local events during their travels. The setting is a fictional island continent divided into two desert nations, Astaria and Sailand, separated by the Moss Mountain range. The majority of the story takes place in Astaria. In this fantasy world, humans can transform their body parts into animal forms, such as limbs or wings. The transformation is instant and reversible, leaving no physical traces. +Anima individuals are treated poorly by normal humans and can become dangerous when mistreated. The children of +Anima gain their powers during times of extreme stress, but it's unclear if they will naturally inherit the abilities. Additionally, +Anima who live content lives may eventually lose their powers. The manga was published from 2000 to 2004 in the Shōnen manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! and consists of ten volumes. It was licensed in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.